During the winter of 1943, the German Army halted the American advance in the mountains of Italy; back-and-forth combat decimates Joe Peterson's...
A debutante, a serviceman's bride and a girl from a military family join the Women's Army Corps.
An unsophisticated country girl accidentally joins the army.
A WAC officer returns from the war to find her husband wants a divorce.
A run-away socialite "Babs" Bradley (Martha O'Driscoll), using an alias, wants to join the WACs, finds romance with a shipyard worker, Johnny Adams...
A WW-II defense plant worker gets knocked out and dreams about helping the war effort in various ways, including solving a crime.
The story is the old bromide about two brawling buddies, duking it out over the same girl, in this case pert Jo Matheson (Jean Rogers). Owen and Brad...
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