In this cinematic fairytale, Francisca Newman, a psychologically disturbed ballerina, fails at her life audition. Her perfectionism starts to take a...
The personal story of six unique characters that have helped build fan owned F.C Utd of Manchester: from an idea down a pub, to the reality of their...
In a realm where souls shape their destinies at "The Bookshelf", two determined souls strive for overlapping life stories. As they both reach for the...
Riots And Relegation: What the F*** Happened to Leyton OrientHD
IMDb: 7
Eli follows Leyton Orient's tragic relegation from the football league and how the Football Authorities allowed owner Francesco Beccheti to bring the...
Keyla's Letter delves into the ambitions, hobbies, and interests of Keyla Aldana (she/they), the founder and one of three administrators on the very...
A short documentary about the life and love of New York surf culture following transplanted San Diego surfer, Shawlin Tucker, who forced found a way...
A bitter conflict between the Government and the Indonesian Football Association has seen Fifa ban all official football in the country for almost a...
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