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00:00:00 / 01:10:00

けっこう仮面 SURPRISE 2004 Hyrja Falas e Pakufizuar

けっこう仮面 SURPRISE 2004 Hyrja Falas e Pakufizuar

Studying music at a remote island academy, poor Mayumi (Aki Hoshino) and her classmates fall victim once more to erotic tortures at the hands of their corrupting instructors. Just in time, Kekko Kamen (Misaki Mori) takes center stage with a red mask on her head, nunchakus in her hands, and a song in her heart!

Koha e ekzekutimit: 70 minuta

Cilësia: HD

Lirimi: Oct 31, 2004

Vendi: Japan

Gjuhe: 日本語

Transmetoni mijëra filma dhe shfaqje televizive falas.