A mad scientist transfers his mind to a wicked robot, which then embarks on a program of kidnaping, rape and murder, during which a female detective...
Yuta Hibiki finds himself drawing Gridman, who he seems to have missing memories of. Now in his second year at Tsutsujidai High School, Yuta decides...
From his birth in Bethlehem to his death and eventual resurrection, the life of Jesus Christ is given the all-star treatment in this epic retelling....
A sudden storm causes Chung Ting-Kwok, a guerrilla fighter during the Second Sino-Japanese War, to awaken after being frozen for over seventy years....
Бесплатан неограничен приступ, Потражите било шта без огласа, Милиони наслова и додају се сваки дан, Све платформе и потпуно оптимизоване, Било где и било када