With Ran, legendary director Akira Kurosawa reimagines Shakespeare's King Lear as a singular historical epic set in sixteenth-century Japan. Majestic...
Americans Amy, Stacy, Jeff and Eric look for fun during a sunny holiday in Mexico, but they get much more than that after visiting an archaeological...
In a post-apocalyptic future mankind is lives in a prehistoric manner. After killing his father for sexually assaulting his girlfriend, the son of a...
A knight returns home from the Crusades to find his village devastated by disease and his family gone. He roams the forest searching for them, until...
The seventh and scary psychic documentary!! Includes five tapes; "Continuation of the dream", "Footsteps", "Drone Detective", "water sound" and "Eye...
A story about two urban boys, who spend a summer at the romantic Kis-Balaton side with an old field keeper, and gradually change their point of view...
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