The comedic adventures of an introverted boy left on the doorstep of a pair of reluctant, eccentric great-uncles, whose exotic remembrances stir the...
JR is a fatherless boy growing up in the glow of a bar where the bartender, his Uncle Charlie, is the sharpest and most colorful of an assortment of...
Daikichi learns that his recently deceased grandfather has an illegitimate daughter with an unknown mother. The girl's name is Rin and she is just 6...
Wu Yi is a little boy who has lost his parents but lives a warm and happy life with his aunt, Wu Jiao Jiao, who runs a martial arts hall. His uncle,...
Widower and professor Porter Waide has his life turned upside down with the arrival of his football player brother, Bobby, who's gotten into so much...
Joon Hyeok is an unpopular musician whose life has hit rock bottom. He had already broken off his relationship with his older sister, Joon Hee, when...
The series follows Vinnie Bassett, proprietor of a pop culture memorabilia store who only takes breaks to read comic books and play video games. His...
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