A young office worker turns into an insect. As an insect, he enters the orifices of his enemies and possesses them, allowing him to enact his revenge...
Ryuzaki, an editor of Muscle Magazine, which features photographs of men with sculpted bodies, becomes involved with a man named Kitami; their affair...
Haruto and Aoyama, once a couple, are now completely without contact. As Aoyama's secrets are gradually revealed, Haruto, now the shop manager of an...
This gender-swapped take on the horrific murder case of Junko Furuta shows how Jun Furuta's father tracks down the juveniles who murdered his son to...
Phallela lifilimi le mananeo a seea-le-moea mahala.
Sebelisa Ak'haonte ea hau ea MAHALA!
Phihlelo ea mahala ea mahala, Batla eng kapa eng Ha ho lipapatso, Limilione tsa litlotla le ho eketsoa letsatsi le leng le le leng, Li-platform tsohle le optimized ka botlalo, Hohle le nako efe kapa efe
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