Japan, 1954. A legend emerges from the ashes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, devastated by atomic bombs in 1945. The creature's name is Godzilla. The film...
Lieutenant Keiu Matsuo lost his life in a midget submarine attack at Sydney Harbor during the night of May 31 and June 1, 1942. This short animation...
A documentary tracing the development of Shinto to the present day. Explores ancient ritual sites that are still used today, as well as major shrines...
This was a news film with elements of reenactment. From December 1927 to 1932, 2,000 bus and train drivers were fired, provoking a strike. This film...
In the year 1580, a man named Lord Nobunaga Oda sends hoards of unholy armies across Japan, slaying all who stand in their way. A young ninja escapes...
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