Nyckelord Polynesian
HD Sex dagar, sju nätter (1998)

Sex dagar, sju nätter (1998)

HD Moana (1926)

Moana (1926)

HD Māori (1981)

Māori (1981)

HD Bird of Paradise (1951)

Bird of Paradise (1951)

HD Chief Zabu (2016)

Chief Zabu (2016)

HD Aloma of the South Seas (1941)

Aloma of the South Seas (1941)

HD The Legend of Baron To'a (2020)

The Legend of Baron To'a (2020)

HD Wayfinders: A Pacific Odyssey (1999)

Wayfinders: A Pacific Odyssey (1999)

HD Kekaiulu Hula Studio (2022)

Kekaiulu Hula Studio (2022)

HD Sosefina (1970)

Sosefina (1970)

HD Belles of the South Seas (1944)

Belles of the South Seas (1944)

AllEps Summer Heights High (2007)

Summer Heights High (2007)

AllEps SIS (2020)

SIS (2020)