In Victorian England, wealthy patriarch Sir Harald Alabaster invites an impoverished biologist, William Adamson, into his home. There, William tries...
Derrick is a struggling law student who takes a job as an awards show seat filler to make ends meet. One day, he is seated next to the beautiful pop...
Neil McRae, an impoverished composer, loves Cynthia Mason, but, fearing poverty, proposes to wealthy Gladys Cady. Can he compose himself and find the...
Kalu is a taxi-driver in Bombay, India. He has two women who love him and would like to marry him. Kalu first wants to establish himself, and become...
Jessica leaves her upper class home to assume an anonymous working class identity. She meets a blue collar guy, Chet and falls in love with the poor...
Yaman, who lives in the suburb of Tozludere (Istanbul), is arrested and put in jail with his brother because his brother decided to steal a car at a...
Ang Utol Kong Hoodlum is a Philippines drama series developed for TV5 created by Deo J. Fajardo. It stars JC de Vera and Jasmine Curtis-Smith. It is...
A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the...
Hayman is an orphan who was adopted thanks to a cripple's genuine kindness. He enjoyed a impoverished life until he met Panita, the granddaughter of...
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