Macarthy is a country town football champ who is kidnapped in a neon lit helicopter by tyrant Colonel Ball-Miller, the tycoon president of the South...
Kick Like Tayla shares a raw and unfiltered look into the life of AFLW player and boxing champion, Tayla Harris, as she confronts public and personal...
The people of Footscray are battlers and so is their football team. The 'mighty' Bulldogs haven't won a premiership since 1954. The club is close to...
The story of the women behind the men we barrack for on the footy field. There will be affairs, business opportunities, fashion footnotes, faux pas,...
The Warriors is set in the world of Australian Rules Football. It explores the elite world of professional sport through the eyes of two new recruits...
After the Grand Final siren, the real business of footy begins. Players, agents and clubs let us in for an unprecedented look inside the deal-making...
Follow iconic AFL identities from six Australian Football League teams throughout one of the most challenging seasons in AFL history as they journey...