During the Korean War, Italian nurse Virna Lisi falls in love with two American fliers, Tony Curtis and George C. Scott. Lisi marries Curtis after he...
This Universal programmer was based on a Collier's Magazine story by journalist Quentin Reynolds. This story in turn was ostensibly based on a true...
"Welcome to my life", Sylvie Hofmann repeats this sentence almost all day long. Sylvie has been a nurse for 40 years at the North Hospital of...
Дастрасии бемаҳдуд, Ҷустуҷӯи ягон чизи таблиғотӣ, Миллионҳо унвонҳо ва ҳар рӯз илова карда мешаванд, Ҳама платформаҳо ва пурра оптимизатсия карда шудаанд, Дар ҳама ҷо ва ҳар вақт