In 1974, Morikazu is 94 years old and his wife Hideko is 76 years old. They live at a house in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The garden at their home is full of...
Film follows Haide and Toomas, husband and wife in life and in art Piip and Tuut through the hard work of the creation of their new clown show in the...
Lena is nine-year-old. One day, she spontaneously makes an act of love that will change her life. She will take care of a plant. An action so simple...
Brought together by professional and personal heartache, two plucky ladies plant the seeds for a brighter future. Rosemary Boxer, with a doctorate in...
Without plants, there would be no food, no animals of any sort, no life on earth at all. Yet for most of the time their lives remain a secret to us,...