Buddy is a young boy on the cusp of adolescence, whose life is filled with familial love, childhood hijinks, and a blossoming romance. Yet, with his...
Conn, a member of the IRA and a former hunger striker, is serving a life sentence for murder. During peace talks, he is released on a 24-hour parole...
Two young Dublin brothers must navigate loyalty, honour and the dangerous world of republicanism as they fuel the Northern war machine - by any means...
The testimony of the men who unwittingly became war photographers on the streets of their own towns in Northern Ireland, when violence erupted around...
Candice longs to escape the boredom of her seaside town, but when a boy she dreams about turns up in real life, she becomes involved with a dangerous...
Roy and Martyn want to write the next Irish winner for the Eurovision Song Contest. So who thinks they are working for British Army Intelligence? And...
After living in Australia for the past decade, Fitz and Judith return to Manchester in 2004 for their daughter Katie's wedding. Drinking too much at...
While the overt violence and conflict associated with the Troubles may have subsided since the Good Friday Agreement, it is true that many people in...
Through the eyes of various Irish Republican Army (IRA) members, explore the extremes some people will go to in the name of their beliefs, the way a...