FBI Agent Lee Harker is a gifted new recruit assigned to the unsolved case of an elusive serial killer. As the case takes complex turns, unearthing...
After a catastrophic global war, a young filmmaker awakens in the carnage and seeks refuge in the only other survivor: an eccentric, ideologically...
Animated short. Abstract forms in a setting evocative of a concentration camp created by the universe. Based on a series of paintings by the Polish...
A student moves into their accomodation, only to find their room already decorated, a strange, inhuman flatmate, and a kettle that won't stop boiling.
A young couple makes one last ditch effort to recuperate their failing relationship. Taking an impromptu trip to a secluded camping location amidst...
A mother and daughter rent a house for a getaway after suffering a sudden and tragic loss, little do they know the house is run by a secret cult.
Jack Douglas interviews for a position at Egress, the most prestigious company in the world. Disturbed by a confident applicant, the liminal office...
A young girl's brother returns from war with a most disturbing souvenir.
Two friends turn on each other after discovering a rare artefact beneath a sacred shrine, and must hone their respective skills if they are to fight...
A troubled writer loses his grip on reality when two balaclava-clad men turn up at his flat.
When twenty-year-old Claire finds out she’s pregnant, she knows she wants to have an abortion. With confidence in her choice, support from her...
Nicolas finds a VHS tape in a box that his ex-girlfriend left behind. What he watches next will determine her fate... or maybe even his.
A young woman's day is interrupted by the arrival of a film crew in her home, hellbent on making her the star of their film.
In this unsettling psychodrama, Minerva endeavours to connect and care for her grandmother Vina who is experiencing dementia.
Дастрасии бемаҳдуд, Ҷустуҷӯи ягон чизи таблиғотӣ, Миллионҳо унвонҳо ва ҳар рӯз илова карда мешаванд, Ҳама платформаҳо ва пурра оптимизатсия карда шудаанд, Дар ҳама ҷо ва ҳар вақт