Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself...
An airliner filled with 800 passengers is forced to fly fast and low, above farmlands, suburbs and skyscraper-packed cities or the tons of explosives...
In Kerala, the Adat family reigns supreme in the gold trade and other influential businesses. With George Peter as the respected patriarch and Marco...
Set in war-torn 15th century Kyoto, on the eve of the Onin War, the movie centers on a band of outlaws led by Hyoe (Oizumi) a scoundrel whose lethal...
Four years after a heist gone wrong, two childhood friends, Rio and Psych, are thrust into a high-stakes journey. When Psych discovers his imprisoned...
During the 1944 Wang Jingwei regime of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, Lu Feng, an orphan, returns home to Shanghai after studying for two years in Japan....
Jon, a graduate from the Faculty of Forestry, works currently as a taxi driver. Then someday, one of his customers tries to rob Jon. While struggling...
Only a pure maiden can have the privilege to contract with a spirit. Priestesses, who can summon spirits from Astral Zero, the world of spirits, and...