Jour de Fête tells the story of an inept and easily-distracted French mailman who frequently interrupts his duties to converse with the local...
"La Cage aux Folles" is a club which has a transvestite show, starring Zaza (whose real name Albin). It forms Renato old homosexual couple. The...
After a tour of the sights and sounds of the Las Vegas strip, we enter the Club Paradise where we are treated to a night of song, comedy, and dancing.
A show, a single objective: to push the limits of fun! On the program: laughter, sharing, dancing, singing, disco balls, glitter, dreams and...
As CANAL+ is celebrating its 40th anniversary, Doully reveals their darkest secret: they stole everything from Groland!
David a young man passionate about paleontology wants to dress up as a dinosaur to get a job.
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