Seventeen-year-old Shirley is a good student who works as a babysitter in order to make money for college. One night Michael, a father Shirley works...
A charming and ambitious young man finds many ways to raise himself through the ranks in business and social standing - some honest, some not quite...
In the lower-middle-class Adams family, father and son are happy to work in a drugstore, but mother and daughter Alice try every possible...
On her mission to battle loneliness and bring people closer to each other, 21-year old student Lisa starts a spooning-business through her blog.
An ambitious Indian university graduate has to struggle to live his entrepreneurial dreams against both the British social structure and his own...
Unemployed car salesman Peter is encouraged by his girlfriend Cynthia to approach the head of a petrol company with his plan for making petrol...
Juliette, a young woman of twenty-five, works unsuccessfully as a sales representative. Discouraged, on the point of giving up, Juliette meets...
Friendships and business do not mix, that's what we find with Theresa, Catherine and Alain, three longtime friends. Freshly graduated, they decided...
Budding entrepreneurs get three minutes to pitch their business ideas to five multi-millionaires willing to invest their own cash.
Canadian version of the reality show in which budding entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of venture capitalists in the hopes of...
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