Mariia visits her childhood home and reminisces about the summer of 1986, when a girl named Mimi arrived in the small village and filled the life of...
The story of Chernobyl told through a newly discovered hoard of dramatic footage filmed at the nuclear plant during the disaster and deeply personal...
As his country is gripped by revolution and war, a Ukrainian victim of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster discovers a dark secret and must decide whether...
On April 26, 1986, a 1,000 feet high flame rises into the sky of the Ukraine. The fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant just exploded....
1986 - The protest movement against the construction of the nuclear power plant in Brokdorf is on its last legs. Only one rural commune remains: the...
Ben Fogle narrates a detailed film revealing the crucial events that led to the 1986 nuclear accident in Ukraine, as Chernobyl Power Plant Reactor 4...
Seconds from Disaster is a US/UK-produced documentary television programme that investigates historically relevant man-made and natural disasters of...
An intriguing history of Yugoslav nuclear program that proposed to build an atomic bomb and 16 nuclear facilities on Yugoslav soil. Only one project...