Follows the tale of a 17-year-old on house arrest for the summer. When his mother is away on business, a horrifying incident occurs, followed by an...
In foggy London Dr Jekyll experiments on newly deceased women determined to discover an elixir for immortal life. Success enables his spectacular...
Sumuru is a beautiful but evil woman who plans world domination by having her sexy all-female army eliminate male leaders and replace them with her...
A condemned murderer, in the process of being executed, relives the events that led to his being sentenced to die in the electric chair. Told in...
Cubelles, Tarragona, Spain, Christmas 1985. Five friends make an unexpected discovery in the forest: a woman disguised as Santa Claus trapped in a...
Biochemists give fruit-fly serum to a dying woman, with side effects.
A young girl goes to work as a live-in caretaker for a spooky old woman. She doesn't know that every night, the woman drains some blood from her to...
The Drakenhjelm family has lived in the Rautakylä manor for over 150 years. The current master of the house, elderly baron Magnus, has been...
Mad scientist, doctor Ten Brinken artificially inseminates a prostitute with a dead man's semen. The resulting child grows up to be a beautiful, evil...
Michelle Martin, Monique Olivier, and Karla Homolka shared the lives of fearsome pedophile predators with full knowledge of the facts and sometimes...
Paige Mayfair has it all: money, beauty, fame, boys... and now she's willing to share it all with you in her brand-new DVD box-set! With just a few...
A powerful eight-hour adaptation of John Steinbeck's 1952 generational saga stars Bruce Boxleitner and Timothy Bottoms as battling brothers...
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