Nagasumi's in hot water after a beautiful, young mermaid named Sun saves him from drowning. The deep-sea sweetheart's dad is a merman yakuza prone to...
Yoshihito, a 23-year-old man who has no job or girlfriend. In order to make ends meet he rents out one of the rooms in his house. While he's showing...
Manatsu Natsuumi is a first-year junior high school student born and raised on a small island. On the day she moves from the island, She meets Laura,...
Intana is a mermaid who was stranded on the beach. She was found by a man named Domba who then took her home. The story unfolds when Intana is chased...
More than 900 years ago, the mermaid princess Ao Fan Fan was rescued by the scholar Huo Yun Shen, and so she was determined to commit herself to him...