In order to learn how to be responsible, two wealthy teen sisters are forced to work in the family business by their exasperated father. When company...
Explores the confrontation between the woman who has everything, including emptiness, and a penniless poet who has nothing but the ability to fill a...
Not since the invention of the Internet has there been such a disruptive technology as Bitcoin. Bitcoin's early pioneers sought to blur the lines of...
Rei Kagami (Ryosuke Yamada) is a billionaire and the CEO of the leading conglomerate company Kagami Group. He is an extremely smart inventor, who has...
By inscrutable vagaries of fate, an immensely rich family becomes moderately poor, and a moderately poor family becomes stupidly rich. In "As in the...
One deal will change their lives. Rookies battle to become luxury real estate's next big thing. They only get paid if they make a sale - who'll hack...