Masato is a young ramen chef in Japan. When he finds his late mother's journal after the sudden death of his emotionally distant father, he takes it...
Jack Flowers is an American hustler trying to make his fortune in 1970s Singapore in small time pimping. His dreams of building a fortune by running...
In Singapore, a private detective and the British authorities are on the trail of a crime syndicate that kidnaps a nuclear physicist with the aim of...
Hong Daming is a positive and generous man. As his coffee shop and house number are both "118", the people around him gave him the nickname of "118"...
1964-65. Singapore is a city at a crossroads. Political and racial tensions are at fever pitch as the British pull out, and a new nation is about to...
Watch host Tony travel around the world and enjoy luxurious tourism with his companion Priscilla Wong. Destinations includes South Korea, Singapore,...