Four lost souls—a disgraced TV presenter, a foul-mouthed teen, an isolated single mother, and a solipsistic muso—decide to end their...
A legendary late-night talk show host's world is turned upside down when she hires her only female staff writer. Originally intended to smooth over...
Bob Hope is a stressed out talk show host who is sent on a vacation to Arizona on doctor's orders and has to play Sherlock Holmes with his wife, the...
We've reached the final episode of The Late Late Show and James is restless...probably because fellow late night hosts Seth Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel,...
A 2002 live performance of Mikel Rouse's Dennis Cleveland, a multimedia opera set entirely on a television talk show in the late 20th century.
The Donahue Show, also known as Donahue, was an American television talk show hosted by Phil Donahue that ran for 26 years on national television....
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