The history and adventures of the Battlestar Pegasus, from shortly before the Cylon invasion to shortly after Lee Adama is made commander. The story...
Harue Hashimoto is a popular mystery writer. She always talks about murder tricks to make it look like an accident with her friends Mayumi Tsukasa, a...
One day, Mio, a reporter, is shown a manuscript for a contest by Kuribayashi, the editor-in-chief. The manuscript, which she is told will likely make...
Dutch police inspector Piet Van der Valk finds himself repeatedly crossing paths wiht the beautiful yet troubled Lucienne Englebert, the daughter of...
Henry Bolingbroke has now been crowned King of England, but faces a rebellion headed by the embittered Earl of Northumberland and his son (nicknamed...
The story of who was the "Number One in the World" between Qing Dynasty Go masters Fan Xiping and Shi Xiangxia. These two figures, historically known...