As an unexpected typhoon bears down on a small tropical island, a group of students trapped at school find themselves forced to put aside their...
A chronicle of the production problems — including bad weather, actors' health, war near the filming locations, and more — which plagued...
Offering a caustic immersion into the lives of disaffected junior high students on the cusp of adulthood, the film takes place over the five-day...
Captain Alan Gaskell sails the perilous waters between Hong Kong and Singapore with a secret cargo: a fortune in British gold. That's not the only...
The title character, played by John Payne, is a ship's captain whose embittered behavior after losing his lady love seemingly leads to tragedy....
French actress Marion Cotillard travelled to the Philippines to meet with children and young people on climate change and what they want...
As a typhoon bears down on a sleepy rural town in the Philippines, strange events and even stranger behaviour foreshadow the watery catastrophe to...
A passenger ship unexpectedly runs into a typhoon.
Four unlucky pirates head to a weather tracking station set on a remote island with the intention of holding the weather trackers as hostages and...
A trustworthy captain is reduced in rank so that the owner's daughter's fiancé may take charge.
The film has four main-storylines. A shoe store girl who likes Tony Leung, a couple who is suffering from cockroaches and is looking for a new...
'After Haiyan' is a short film about the challenges faced by the Deaf community in Tacloban, Philippines accessing disaster relief, medical care, and...
Yurie is just an ordinary middle school girl in the 1980's - until overnight she finds out that she is a Kami, or God, in the Shinto sense. When...
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