A 1944 propaganda short film produced for the U.S. Treasury Department and intended to boost war bond sales, directed by an uncredited Alfred...
Propaganda documentary about a man, called Kulicke, who has a nightmare about being inducted into the airforce right to to front line.
Bugs Bunny and friends sing and dance to promote the sale of government bonds in support of the war effort.
This animated short by Norman McLaren is a publicity message for a war bond campaign. Symbols, a stick man and lettering are drawn directly on 35mm...
In the final push of World War II, with Germany and Japan on the ropes, Eddie Bracken urges the American people to buy more war bonds.
Viktoria, the figure at the top of the Siegesäule in Berlin, asks Michel to raise money for the war effort. Michel takes a trip through Germany,...
German propaganda film about the importance of buying war bonds.
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