The story of a physicist on a quest for the Grand Unifying Theory of Physics. In the process of his experiments he suffers radiation poisoning, loses...
After waking up in an unfamiliar apartment complex, a woman desperately searches for her sister while being hunted by a shadowy figure. As she makes...
Mourning his past relationship, heartbroken college senior Austin Caldwell becomes obsessed with the "Big Break" song competition, convinced that the...
To escape her overprotective drug-dealing stepfather, an introvert flees to NYC with her pet pocket squirrel. After successfully reinventing herself...
A feature documentary celebrating Wolfgang Petersen's 1984 classic The NeverEnding Story via cast and crew interviews, whilst exploring the lives of...
A successful but isolated artist, struggling with agoraphobia, has her life turned upside down when one of her works of art comes to life. At first,...
Jimmy wakes up only to find out he got fired from his job. That's when his best friend, Rusty is there waiting outside his house to cheer him up and...
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