The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the...
The documentary adresses the meaning of music and the musical diversity present in Umbanda (a Brazilian religion with afroindigenous roots). With...
Oxum goes to the river every day to fill his jug with water. One day, a woman in red clothes crosses his path and changes her life forever.
Teachings of an Issei. Advice, spirituality and challenges.
Some people seem to have come into the world to confuse, annoy, swim against the current, like the guys from Gangrena Gasosa, the first and only...
This short film follows the journey of Rosane Pires and Iara Viana, during the preparations for their wedding, as well as the civil and religious...
Documentary about the preparation of a popular celebration of "Dia do Preto Velho", one of the most important rituals from the Umbanda in Brazil.
Documentary about terreiro women in Fortaleza who occupy the highest positions in the hierarchy, subverting the patriarchal tradition of religious...
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