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00:00:00 / 01:34:00

Από Που Πάνε Για Τη Χαβούζα 1978 Libreng Walang limitasyong Pag-access

Από Που Πάνε Για Τη Χαβούζα 1978 Libreng Walang limitasyong Pag-access

A conscientious tanker driver, Thanasis Papathanasis, works hard to help his sister Afroditi study medicine. He believes that in this way he will be able to marry her off so that then he can finally marry Eleni, whom he has loved for years. His efforts, however, are all in vain, as he is constantly confronted with a corrupt establishment and political situation that generate all the prevailing misfortunes: personal, social and national.

Libre ang pag-stream ng libu-libong mga pelikula at palabas sa TV.