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Nedodržaný sľub 2009 Libreng Walang limitasyong Pag-access

Nedodržaný sľub 2009 Libreng Walang limitasyong Pag-access

Slovakia, on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. The family of the young Jewish Martin Friedmann gathers to celebrate his bar mitzvah and make a solemn promise that they will all meet again a year later around the same table; but the storms of war and anti-Semitic fanaticism will lead each of them down very different paths.

Runtime: 135 minuto

Kalidad: HD

Pakawalan: Apr 30, 2009

Bansa: Czech Republic, Slovakia, United States of America

Wika: Deutsch, עִבְרִית, Polski, Pусский, Slovenčina

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