The 10 Rules comedy tells a story of a shy scientist Marek who falls hopelessly in love with a seemingly inaccessible girl. His friends determined to...
Kunchithapatham's unique name becomes the butt of joke and ridicule for others. He relates his failures to his name and wants to change it. He meets...
Once the world's most famous astrologer, Walter Mercado seeks to resurrect a forgotten legacy. Raised in the sugar cane fields of Puerto Rico, Walter...
Alice is an insecure Leo girl who thinks the stars have made a mistake with her, until one day she receives a blank book with only instructions that...
Craig Alexander, a con-man "psychic" on the carnival circuit receives the opportunity to pilfer some legendary rubies in Kenya. His luck holds and he...
Returning home, Ross Logan immediately gets into conflict with the Carranza gang, which had just crossed the Mexican border and has occupied a nearby...
The story of "Chandrettan Evideya" revolves around Chandramohan (Dileep), who is a government servant and also an ardent classical dance follower and...
A con artist seduces the widow of a millionaire, only to learn she'd plotted with her lover to murder the late husband. A tense game of cat-and-mouse...
Cosmic Love is the first dating show based on astrology. With help from the Astrochamber, Nabilla goes to meet 4 single girls, to guide them in their...
In this one-of-a-kind social experiment, four individuals attempt to find their perfect spouse via astrological matchmaking. Their romantic adventure...
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