Professor James Anders is a seemingly mild-mannered teacher, an American working in Rio De Janeiro. Anders, bored with years of teaching, decides to...
Two beefed-up twins operating on opposing sides of the law, team up to stop a nefarious crook in this actioner. Peter Jade is a notoriously arrogant...
Two women use seduction to steal from straying men. But when they discover one of their victims hiding millions in diamonds, the score of their lives...
Taha works as a pharmacist and lives a normal life with his disabled father. When a mysterious murder occurs, Taha's world changes forever. He starts...
Jane and the Colonel must journey to Africa to the lost city to retrieve the diamonds before the Nazis do. Comedy based on the popular wartime comic...
An elderly gangster just released from prison plans one last job, and gathers a small crew to do the job, but the plan goes sour when one of the crew...
A princess is held by a curse in a secret place. You know you're getting close when you find diamonds in the grass. But all the princes who tried to...
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