Hiç mahkeme salonuna girmemiş olmasına rağmen 60 ın üstünde dava kazanmış ve rahat kişiliği...
Hayatında yeni bir heyecan arayan Amy (Kristen Stewart) orduya katılır, ancak umduğu gibi Irak'a değil, Guantanamo'ya...
Film, El-Kaide saflarında savaşacak insan temin ettiği, 11 Eylül saldırılarını gerçekleştirenleri...
Serinin ilk filmi beklenmedik bir başarı kazanınca çekilen Harold & Kumar 2, şaşkın ikilinin bu kez de...
Michael Moore'un yazıp yönettiği, aynı zamanda oynayıp yapımcılığını da üstlendiği...
An in-depth look at the torture practices of the United States in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, focusing on an innocent taxi driver in...
Part drama, part documentary, The Road to Guantánamo focuses on the Tipton Three, a trio of British Muslims who were held in Guantanamo Bay...
Daniela – a single mother, whose boyfriend left for the US – believes wholeheartedly in Cuba's revolutionary new order. Meanwhile, in...
Murat Kurnaz’ın Guantanamo Körfezi’nde kendini bulması esrarengiz bir hikayedir. 5 Years, Kurnaz’ın katlanmak...
After a violent storm, Ali awakens on a deserted beach, sick and disoriented. They'll be looking for him and he must keep moving. Ivan, a local...
The dramatic story of a Gitmo detainee released from the controversial U.S. prison after 14 years. With NPR, a report on the struggle over freeing...
Music elates, touches the soul and bypasses reason. Music is magic. But precisely this magic can turn it into an insidious weapon for music and...
Captain Pam Roark is a Navy nurse who shares her story about service, compassion, and leadership, demonstrating that leadership ability isn't a...
Fidel Castro, the former President of Cuba and one of the most controversial figures of the 20th century, passed away in November. He famously...
"What happens after detainees are released from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility? The answer to that question has, for the most part, been...
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