The film begins following the British victory of the first Opium War and the seizure of Hong Kong. Although the island is largely uninhabited and the...
Series about the life of Renaissance anatomist, scholar and politic Johannes Jessenius.
Already legendary series today, was produced by Czechoslovak...
"News Treasury" explores historical news events and rarely seen footage, allowing viewers to dig into the news archives. From Bruce Lee's funeral and...
With the 00s now firmly in our rear view mirror, the decade is ripe for re-evaluation. From 9/11 to the financial crisis, the decade shows not only a...
From the Executive Producer Robert Redford, THE AMERICAN WEST tells the story of the aftermath of the CIVIL WAR and how the United States transformed...
Embark in a journey through some of the most beautiful cities in the world in this documentary series. Each episode features a new city and explores...
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