Determined to break the next big story and refashion his complicated personal life, Joy embarks on a relentless odyssey through the heart and gut of...
Journalist David Farrier stumbles upon a mysterious tickling competition online. As he delves deeper he comes up against fierce resistance, but that...
Kay is a tough-as-nails investigative reporter, and goes undercover at a home for the disabled based on a tip about staff abuse of the residents. She...
Since it began in 1983, Frontline has been airing public-affairs documentaries that explore a wide scope of the complex human experience. Frontline's...
Dateline NBC, or simply Dateline, is a weekly American television newsmagazine series. It was previously the network's flagship newsmagazine, but now...
Four Corners is Australia's longest-running investigative journalism/current affairs television program. Broadcast on ABC1 in Australia, it premiered...
After a rash of disappearances and a likely murder, an inquisitive, young female production assistant on a wildly popular television show called Cult...
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