Inspired by a magician named Shiny Chariot, the lively Akko Kagari enters the Little Witch Academy with the dream of one day becoming as cool as her...
In Enchanted Parade, Akko, Lotte and Sucy, having gotten in trouble yet again, are forced to team up with three other troublemakers; Amanda O'Neill,...
Moga Hakucho, Nemu Watanuki, Mirin Yukino, Emi Odamaki and Ayane Shiomi are all freshman students at Shiro Majo Gakuen (White Witch Academy). All of...
Ida's friend Miriam visits the school for three months, but a secret threatens to tear them apart. Miriam is entrusted with the tarsier Fitzgeraldo,...
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!HD
IMDb: 7.461
Wealthy heiress Catarina Claes is hit in the head with a rock and recovers the memories of her past life. It turns out the world she lives in is the...
In a world where magic is not a fairy tale but has existed for one hundred years siblings Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba prepare to begin their studies at...
The Alzano Imperial Magic Academy is located in the southern part of the Alzano Empire and is among most prominent magic schools in the world, where...
Only a pure maiden can have the privilege to contract with a spirit. Priestesses, who can summon spirits from Astral Zero, the world of spirits, and...
Rather than take a more sensible approach to salvaging his grades in time for graduation, Alto summons a bit of otherworldly help. Only after does he...
Mayhem and mishaps follow young witch Mildred Hubble wherever she goes. She just can't help it! But with her friends' help, Mildred always manages to...
In the modern world, a lonely man dies and reincarnates in another world. Rescued as a baby from a tragedy by a brilliant sage named Merlin, the baby...
Saybil can't remember his life before he joined the magic academy. He has the lowest grades, because his amnesia leaves him unmotivated. One day, the...
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