A tale about a strange young man, Bulcsú, and the fellow ticket inspectors on his team who work aboard the subterranean Budapest Metro. A tale...
A group of men all called Frank—except for one named Pekka—have had enough of life in their working-class neighborhood, so they set off...
Doctor Miguel Azzini is found shot dead dead. The police suspect his colleagues: Elena Carli, his former mistress and owner of the clinic where he...
Volk is spying on Zayats with a spyglass "hidden" in a birdhouse..
Fantasy A, autistic Seattle rapper, suffers trials and tribulations from total creeps as he attempts to become a superstar. Along the way he also...
Oscar her gün olduğu gibi metrosuna biner. Ama o sabah yandan bir bakış her ritüeli silip süpürecektir......
Metro trains disappear on the turning track, only to immediately return on the same route. Tapio (57), Toni (42) and Aksa (60) are also stuck on...
This short film tells about the past, present and future of the capital's subway. It shows the labor of subway builders, new stations still under...
Between one carriage and another, passengers tell their stories over a train journey.
A young woman is stalked by a wicked entity in subway cars in Latin America.
A short documentary that follows a day at work for 3 wagon rhymers.
Ücretsiz Sınırsız Erişim, Herhangi bir şey arayın Reklam Yok, Milyonlarca başlık ve her gün ekleniyor, Tüm platformlar ve Tamamen Optimize Edilmiş, Her yerde ve her zaman