After hearing that mystical toymaker Andre Toulon has managed to create a troupe of sentient, living puppets, Nazi underling Dr. Hess sets his sights...
This documentary examines how Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime made use of ancient mysticism, occultism, and mind-control techniques in their efforts...
In 1935, German scientists dug for bones; in 1943, they murdered to get them. How the German scientific community supported Nazism, distorted history...
Pekka Siitoimesta ja Isänmaallisesta KansanrintamastaHD
IMDb: 0
"I am a hardcore racist, sadist and fascist. The New Testament is true, the Old Testament is not. Spirits informed me that I will be born again in my...
Documents both the influences of alternative belief systems on the Nazi ideology and Hitler's personal philosophy, and the history and development of...
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