The year is 1575 in feudal Japan. Oda Nobunaga's (Kippei Shiina) forces defeat Takeda Katsuyori, when Nagashino Castle was besieged during the Battle...
A dynamic story depicting the rise to power of Oda Nobunaga. The story of a young man on the battlefields of the Sengoku era, who possessed character...
The show follows the early years of Japanese warlord hero Oda Nobunaga in the 16th century. As a young man Oda was not seen as the right heir to the...
Before he died at Honnouji in 1582, the great warlord Oda Nobunaga stood before a statue of Buddha and thought to himself that he'd committed so many...
On March 23, 1585, Japanese Christian envoys visited Pope Gregory XIII at the Papal Court in Rome, Italy. The drama begins 45 years earlier - in 1540...
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