Two assistants, Lee Xiang and Kat, start new jobs at the financial firm Jones & Sunn. Lee Xiang is an earnest young man who naively enters the world...
Fred, George, Doug and Howie are quickly reaching middle-age. Three of them are married, only Fred is still a bachelor. They want something different...
Based upon Matt Thorne's award-winning novel about life in a call centre, "Eight Minutes Idle" is a warped urban comedy about what it really means to...
Kurre and Inga are engaged to be married. However, as they are very poor, they can't afford it just yet. They live separate, both in small apartments...
For as long as she can remember, Teng Xiao Xiao has dreamed of someday being awarded the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. Doing everything she can to make...
After a merger forces him to quit his banking job, Tetsuo Kashimura meets the CEO of an investment company who talks him into restoring a restaurant...
Tang Ruo Qi is a housewife who has always led a simple life. Besides her husband Jiang Yong Xi and daughter, she only has two best friends and fellow...
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