When Kit Vincent, a young filmmaker, receives a terminal diagnosis aged 24, his first instinct is to turn on his camera and document those closest to...
A surreal meditation on chronic illness and anxiety, Prion follows a character's struggle with self-acceptance as their fears manifest in the form of...
Alison, an overweight dental assistant, is challenged to find her self-worth when she falls into an online relationship with her long-time friend and...
When a Chinese-Canadian college student returns home to Toronto, she visits a Hong Kong cafe she frequented during her childhood. Through eating the...
Latief, a noodle shop employee who is disappointed with his father, hopes to have a father figure like his boss, and miraculously his wish comes true...
Meet Mark. A daydreamer who has lived with hearing loss for his whole life. As his condition deteriorates, Mark must listen to his past and face the...
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