A social worker who recently lost her husband investigates the strange Wadsworth family. The Wadsworths might not seem too unusual to hear about them...
The Dumping Ground is a British children's television series, which premiered on 4 January 2013 on CBBC and BBC HD. The series is a spin-off from The...
Kate Brasher is an American dramatic television series that was broadcast by CBS. It premiered at 9:00pm ET/PT on Saturday, February 24, 2001 and was...
Hubert is a good-looking guy and a well-known, talented tattoo artist. Love isn't one of his top priorities, and neither is family. And then there's...
200-year-old Min Se Yeon has managed to conceal her immortality, up until she meets Lee Jung Hoon, a social worker she saves from a traffic accident....
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