Takarazuka Flower Troupe 2014 Chunichi Theater production. In 1770, Princess Marie-Antoinette of the House of Hapsburg, youngest daughter of Empress...
Set on the fictional Mediterranean island of Callista on the eve of the outbreak of the French Revolution, the play depicts the struggles of a young...
Takarazuka Star Troupe 2023 production. The story is set in France in the latter half of the 1780s. Cracks are starting to appear in the rule of the...
A grand restaging of the show "The Revue," which premiered in 1977 and won the Art Festival Excellence Award, based on the original "luxury, splendor...
Musical by the Takarazuka Revue. In modern day France, an exhibition is being held at the Palace of Versailles of the "Necklace of Marie Antoinette"....
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