In a devastated future, the apocalypse threatens the Earth. The last hope lies with a man capable of time travel. His mission: to return to the past...
Just before Anne is moving from Amsterdam to live with her great love Sara in Montreal, her publisher criticizes the manuscript for her first novel....
A small town news team discovers a box of videotapes wherein a faceless figure, dressed in a dark suit, haunts and torments a family...slowly driving...
Queer Duck and his partner of 18 months (a lifetime in gay years), Stephen Arlo "Openly" Gator, hit a relationship crisis when the fey fowl is wooed...
It has been five years since Laura and Carmilla vanquished the apocalypse and Carmilla became a bonafide mortal human. They have settled in to a cozy...
More than 900 years ago, the mermaid princess Ao Fan Fan was rescued by the scholar Huo Yun Shen, and so she was determined to commit herself to him...