A surreal adaptation of Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur", chronicling Arthur Pendragon's conception, his rise to the throne, the search by his...
Shirou Emiya finds himself an unwilling participant in a deadly competition where seven Mages summon heroic spirits as servants to duel each other to...
劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel]」Ⅲ.spring songHD
IMDb: 7.7
As Sakura drowns in the murky darkness of the sins she has committed, Shirou's vow to protect her at all costs leads him into a raging battle to put...
Egypt, 11th century. When a famine ravages the country, the prosperous Andalusian kingdom of Denia comes to the aid of the sultan, who, in gratitude,...
In 1898, a Minnesota farmer clearing trees from his field uprooted a large stone covered with mysterious runes that tell a story of land acquisition...
Shirou Emiya lost his parents in a fire when he was young and was later adopted by the sorcerer Kiritsugu Emiya. Shirou is drawn into the Holy Grail...