Muhammad: The Messenger of God is an 2015 Iranian film directed by Majid Majidi. The story revolves around the childhood of the Islamic prophet...
Handsomely-mounted historical epic concerns the birth of the Islamic faith and the story of the Prophet Muhammad.
Two stories separated by 1400 years. After losing his mother in the midst of a war-torn country, an Iraqi child learns the importance and power of...
Jesus of Nazareth, the founding figure of Christianity, is also an exceptional character in the Koran. Why? In what way? A deep investigation around...
Түләүсез керү, Реклама юк, Миллионлаган титуллар һәм көн саен өстәләләр, Барлык платформалар һәм тулысынча оптимальләштерелгән, Кайда да, теләсә кайсы вакытта