Set in Tokyo's otaku mecca Akihabara, "Akihabara@DEEP" tells the story of five otaku who drop out of society and end up founding their own successful...
"Get ready for an unforgettable experience where love and the anime world intertwine in "My Otaku Girlfriend"! An anonymous mangaka is discovered by...
Doi of the Maeda Construction Company's Advertising group has little passion for his work. One day the group's leader Asagawa declares, "Let's build...
One rainy day, salaryman Amakusa Ryo is saved by a high school girl he doesn't know at the station. He later finds out that the girl is Arima Ichika....
Doujin Work follows the life of a young girl named Najimi Osana and her exposure into the doujin world. She was first tempted into becoming a doujin...
Kaoru is an office lady you can find anywhere, serious and works diligently, but her husband is a super otaku and more-or-less a NEET. She is caught...
Amamizukan is an apartment complex where no boys are allowed. Tsukimi, a girl who adores jellyfish, lives there happily with her friends who all have...