Molly Bloom, a young skier and former Olympic hopeful becomes a successful entrepreneur (and a target of an FBI investigation) when she establishes a...
The ultimate high-stakes TV cash game show that sees Loose Cannon amateurs play against the legends of poker for cold hard cash. PokerStars buys each...
A Swiss crime thriller and psychological drama with a difference - the action follows a high stakes poker game secretly watched by the police. Half a...
Poker After Dark is an hour-long poker television program on NBC. The show made its debut on January 1, 2007, and was cancelled on September 23, 2011...
Think you have what it takes to travel the world and beat the biggest names in poker for $1,000,000 on TV? Shark Cage is your shot at...
Late Night Poker is a British television series that helped popularize poker in the 2000s. It used "under the table" cameras that enabled the viewer...