The story of the two unnamed men who were crucified alongside Jesus and how they came to be beside him on the cross that fateful day. Dismas and his...
Noah, a farmer and family man, is instructed by an angel to build an ark in the middle of a desert in order to save both his family and the faithful...
In the glitzy, glittering futuristic world of 1994, music is king -- and the man who controls it is all-powerful malicious mogul Mr. Boogalow. Now he...
Mara and Manoa are both upstanding and religious Israelites living under the harsh and unjust rule of the Philistines. One day, a mysterious stranger...
Jesus of Nazareth, the founding figure of Christianity, is also an exceptional character in the Koran. Why? In what way? A deep investigation around...
The Biblical story of Joseph, who was sold to slavery by his brothers who were jealous of his prophetic abilities to analyze dreams and of his being...